Superstions About Recovering From Ovarian Cancer (video)

Author, Speaker and late stage ovarian cancer survivor Chris Bledy shares some of the superstions she experienced as she beat and recovered from late stage ovarian cancer. Author, Speaker and late stage ovarian cancer survivor Chris Bledy shares perspective on the importance of visualisation in beating ovarian cancer and reclaiming your life.

2 Comments on “Superstions About Recovering From Ovarian Cancer (video)

  1. What are my superstitions? I hadn’t given it much thought, but now that I have, I’ve got quite a hefty pile! Bottom line is that they all have fear at their base. That’s what fuels them. So I like your idea of using Byron Katie’s “Is this true?” process. It is a very elequent way of dismantling beliefs that no longer serve me. By doing this, more life affirming beliefs can uplift me more into the happiness realm where fear doesn’t have a chance to grow and in my way of looking at it , the cancer doesn’t have a chance either!

  2. You are so amazing. I love your willingness to look inward. You are truly living an inspired life. You my friend, will inspire many.

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