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A Survivor’s Journey For Women With Cancer

Chris Bledy is an author, speaker and survivor of late stage and recurring ovarian cancer. She knows what it takes to beat the odds and live your best life.
Chris’ book, Beating Ovarian Cancer is providing hope and inspiration to women all over the world. Her emphasis on small lifestyle changes is adding up to big results when it comes to healing cancer. Her main goals are to educate women about ovarian cancer and to help those who have the disease in order to improve survival rates.
She was featured in an article by Peter Starr for Health Care Weekly and she did an hour radio interview with Dr. Ann West that aired in Hawaii. Chris was also selected as one of the filmed interviews for the Loreal Legacy Corner. The edited version of this interview can be viewed on YouTube under “Chris Bledy talks about Ovarian Cancer”.
As a speaker, Chris is powerful and touching. At Karmanos Cancer Institute in Detroit, Michigan she spoke to an auditorium of people for the ‘Fourth Annual Gynecologic Oncology Conference’. The response was an overwhelming success. Other speaking engagements include, ‘Cancer Survivors Day’ at Providence St. Joseph Medical Center in Burbank, CA, the ‘Second Annual Lunch in and Learn’ in Granada Hills, CA, sponsored by the Ovarian Cancer Coalition of Greater California (OCC), and the ‘2009 AWIN Golf Classic’ benefiting OCC in Thousand Oaks, CA. Chris also speaks at support groups, church groups and any events that help women dealing with cancer.
She lives with her husband in Woodland Hills, California. You can learn more about Chris, her book and the things she is doing as an advocate for ovarian cancer by visiting her website at www.BeatingOvarianCancer.Com.
Hello Chris,
I don’t know if you read my threads, but I am so happy for you and your success, unfortunately with myself, I am fighting this disease for 7years now, and 4th recurrence, I am at the point, if this time I have to continue chemo again, I am prepare to do the extreme.
I am deciding to try the Dr Castillo clinic, I don’t know if you have any advice about the clinics of Mexico, but is my only hope,as my cancer doesn’t let me in peace. Coming back again and again and I had just enough.
I would like to hear your advice, if you can and you are not only for conventional approach. Sofar for my case, as NEVER they didn’t find my primary, and I’ve finish with a diagnosis of Primary peritoneal adenocarcinoma, with unknown primary after my husband paid MDA $200.000 bill, the conventional treatment didn’t help me at all, to have any success in my life.
Thank you for your time
Dianne Nomikos-Sanowskis
Hi Diane. It just breaks my heart to hear what you have been going through. It’s true, this is a difficult disease, not only to diagnose, but also to treat. While I’m not familiar with Dr. Castillo’s clinic, I did spend some time in Mexico at Dr. Hulda Clark’s clinic after my recurrence. (Dr. Clark passed away a few years back from a spinal injury). I’m one of those people who believe in doing everything we can. That includes conventional and integrative treatments. Numerous success stories have been documented when it comes to healing cancer through alternative and integrative therapies. One that I get a lot of references to is The Block Center for Integrative Cancer Treatment (Dr. Keith Block). You can easily locate information through Google. Also, another great place to go for alternative references is the Cancer Control Society in Los Angeles (1-323-663-7801). Perhaps the Cancer Control Center knows about Dr. Castillo’s clinic. They have many many resources. This should be a good starting point. Stay in touch. I’m curious to hear which path you choose. Much love to you…
Chris – what ‘kind’ of ovarian did you have?
Not really sure. It was over 13 years ago. I’d have to check with my doctor.
Hi Chris
So happy to have found your book. I am fairly new at this having been diagnosed in May and undergoing chemo treatments currently. I bought a bunch of books on Amazon (yours being one of them) to avail myself to as much information as possible. Your book has really been helpful and since I have come to this web site I feel it will be an additional resource for me. I am so excited for your success and wish you many more years of living in Joy!\
It’s always wonderful hearing from readers. Thank you for your kind words. Being able to help others means a great deal to me. If there’s anyway I can help support you through this, I’m here for you. You can always call me or write me privately through email at chris@beatingovariancancer.com. I also know several wonderful ovarian cancer support groups online – Teal’s the Deal and Sisterhood of Ovarian Cancer Survivors immediately come to mind. You can learn an awful lot from these women.
Thanks again. I’m keeping you in my highest thoughts of love and healing.
I love your book! I was diagnosed with stage IIIC ovarian cancer in March. I read your book then and it helped. I’m done with chemo and surgery and reading your book again. Now it’s time to change some things in my life and be very health. You are an inspiration to me. Thank you and God Bless.
Hi Pam. I’m so glad to hear it was helpful to you. It’s wonderful that your done with surgery and chemo. Yay! If you ever need any support or even just someone to talk to, I’m here for you. Please stay in touch. I’d love to hear more about you and your journey. Much love to you…
I am 58 years old. I had a partial hysterectomy 4 years ago…and chose to keep my ovaries. I have now been diagnosed with a 5.5 cm ovarian cyst. Went for the C125 blood test and waiting to hear the results…Needless to say, I am petrified….scared to hear the C word….
No matter what the CA results are, please do not put any type of blame or guilt on yourself regarding your choice. Honestly, there are a lot of pros and cons to keeping ones ovaries and it’s not an easy choice when facing a hysterectomy. I think we all make the best decisions we can at the time. I don’t blame you for being frightened. These situations create a great deal of fear and stress. No one wants to get a cancer diagnosis. Try to remain positive and keep in mind… Most of the time ovarian cysts are not cancer, so let’s take that stand until your results are in. I’m praying your results will be normal. Please let me know your CA125 results, until then, I’m holding you in my highest thoughts of love.
I spoke to Christine Farrell today and she told me how inspiring you are and she directed me to your website about some of the unhealthy things we put into our bodies and surround ourselves with. I have breast cancer and will be having a bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction in 2 weeks. My 28 year old daughter is recovering from thyroid cancer. We have begun eating a more plant-based diet and becoming more aware of the ingredients in the products we use. Thank you for the information you have provided.
Hi Sherri,
Thank you for taking the time to contact me. I’m so sorry to hear how cancer has struck both you and your daughter. It seems cancer is running rampant in this country. I have had my share for sure. I can relate to you, as I have a BRCA1 mutation which puts me at a very high risk for both breast and ovarian cancer. One of the main things we can do for ourselves and our families is to avoid GMOs completely. Genetically modified foods stimulate tumor growth at incredible rates. Please take a little time to research these foods so you can avoid them all. I eat only organic because it’s the only way we have of avoiding GMOs in this country. Even if you don’t eat everything organic, be sure to eat organic when the food is a GMO. For example: eat only organic corn, soy, sugar. These are huge GMO crops in this country. Take a little time to research the complete list of GMO foods to avoid. This will go a long way is controlling tumor growth. I avoid all chemicals as much as possible. In my cleaning products, detergents, cosmetics, body products and so on. Read labels. If it’s from the grocery store and the label lists things that you don’t recognize as food, then it’s NOT FOOD. Avoid it. There’s so much more to tell that can help you recover and put an end to cancer once and for all… but I can’t go into it all in this reply. We can always talk on the phone if you’d like. Christine has my number. I look forward to hearing more from you after surgery. Until then, I’m holding you in my thoughts and prayers. Love, light and healing my friend…
Enjoyed your book and am following it to the best of my ability. Diagnosed in APril, 2009, stage 3C, I am in 6th treatment regimen with Gemzar only. Have participated in 3 clinical trials; one in New York City last year. I am platinum resistant.
One bright thing recently happened; CA 125 decreased from 300 to 165 in one cycle. Hasn’t done that in 3 years. Hopefully that will continue. Will continue to follow your ideas and others. I’m careful about GMO’s; eat mostly organic, etc.
Thanks for writing the book.
Roberta Sand RN,BSN, MSA
Hi Roberta,
That is good news hearing your CA numbers are coming down. You’ve been at this for a long time now, it’s about time you got some good news. Please stay in touch and let me know how you’re progressing. You are in my prayers and highest thoughts of healing.
I just listened to your “speak out” on GMO’s and taking Immunocal Platinum. Great information. I was a stage 4 patient in September of 2012. My CT scan a year ago showed that anything that was there before is either GONE or now millimeters in size..(likely scar-tissue) Hooray!! My CA-125 has been in a very healthy range…6-8 for 16 months. I continue to exercise 3-4 times a week, but have not adjusted my eating habits….though thinking that I eat healthy…vegetables, fruits, lean chicken, fish, etc….you have inspired me to start “looking” at labels and choosing more appropriate foods. I am starting my “homework” today!!
Can I get the Immunocal Platinum at a health food store? How do you take it? In juice?
Your story reminds me of how I felt during my diagnosis too…much anger. I was 54….breast cancer survivor of 14 years, AND NO ONE informed me of my odds or the symptoms of OC. In hopes to “make a difference” I have spoken “my story” at two local events and I have created “shout-out” pins from stones I picked up on our beach in Michigan. When I package them…I enclose information cards for every buyer to share so we can all “shout-out”. Then, 25% of the sales go to OV research. This is MY way of spreading the word….
To my surprise….just today….I got a wonderful letter from a woman who took notice of my words….now, she has a plan of action…and thanked me!! It’s a GLORIOUS DAY!
THANK YOU AGAIN, FOR BEING MY INSPIRATION!! Congratulations on your healthy succuss!
Hi Jody,
Great hearing your story. You are very inspiring and I love what you are doing. You never know who’s life you will save. Please learn as much as you can about GMOs. It is so important to understand what is being done to our food. You’ll be amazed, outraged and empowered. So much to learn and do.
Unfortunately, Immunocal is not available in stores. Please contact Michelle Shores. Her email is mshores31@comcast.net. You can purchase it through her. She is a wealth of information… not only on Immunocal, but ovarian cancer too. I met her when I spoke at Karmanos Cancer Center in Detroit. We’ve been friends ever since. Let me know how things go. Looking forward to hearing more from you.
Hi, Chris
Thank you so much for creating this website. I am an OVCA survivor (Stage 3c, Grade 1, serous carcinoma). As of Msy 20, 2014 I am in remission again after surgery and 6 months of Doxil. My original diagnosis was Sept. 2011 during my hysterecomy surgery. My energy level is slowly returning and I am feeling very hopeful.
Hi Yolanda,
Thank you for the wonderful feedback. There is hope and much we can do to assist in our healing. I’m so glad you found my site. I’m looking forward to hearing more from you as you continue to heal and regain your health. I will be offline for a couple weeks, out of the country, but I will return July 1st. Until then, remember just how precious you truly are. Love and blessings…
Hey there! Do you know if they make any plugins to gffbeeeabggabakc
No idea…
Hello, Chris I’m contacting you because my daughter Jessica 28, has been diagnosed with stage 3c Ovarian cancer. She had a complete hysterectomy and de-bulking, and 3 rounds carbo/taxol chemo. She is platinum resistant and they are recommending Avastin which has a chance of bowel perforation and Jessica already had 15 in. of bowel removed. The side effects of this chemo is scary and doesn’t have that high of percentage of effectiveness. She is currently on Frankincense, Laetril,Essiac pills, 5000units of vit. D and all natural vegetable diet, no meat, dairy or GMO’s. But I feel the need to do more because of the oncologists trying to force her into taking Avastin, by scaring her into thinking it has spread yet we have no test to show that. We are struggling with the tactics they are using at this highly rated U of M hospital.Any help or advice as to who to speak with or get some guidance to help my little girl, would be greatly appreciated, God Bless you and congratulations on your success in beating this disease, Sincerely, Jeff Gute jeffgute @yahoo.com
Hi Jeff,
Thank you for contacting me. The news of your daughter touches my heart in so many ways. I too had late stage including the removal of part of my colon, the upper part of my rectum and my ureter had to be rebuilt and re-implanted back into my bladder, not to mention, extensive lymph node removal. So I do understand what your beautiful daughter must be going through. First of all, it sounds like she is taking charge by doing all those very important things you mentioned, from avoiding GMOs to taking Frankincense. Others may not understand her choices, but I sure do.
Her resistance to Platinum drugs is not unusual. I’ve heard many others have this resistance. When you tell me about the push to put her on Avastin, which has a chance of bowel perforation, it is truly frustrating. I have never taken Avastin nor was I offered it. It probably wasn’t around when I went through my treatments in 2000 and the recurrence in 2002. When I had my recurrence in my neck and pancreas, I was being pushed to repeat the same horrible chemo blasts I had barely tolerated the first time. It is so hard to take a stand, but I did. I went to several other oncologists to find some alternative. Most had nothing new to offer except adding more drugs to supposedly relieve the side effects, but I wasn’t comfortable with that either. I finally did find an oncologist with a different way of handling the treatments.
I wish I had a clear alternative to suggest, but I am not a doctor, only a survivor who followed her instincts and took a stand for what I believed was best for me. Let’s face it, the doctors can only treat our illness, it’s up to us to heal ourselves and our disease. I believe your daughter should be the one to make this difficult decision and take a stand for what she believes is best for her in her situation. Consult other doctors, talk to others who are in a similar situation.
There is a great website I joined that your daughter can join too. It is a closed site only for those with ovarian cancer. There are women from all over the world on this site and many are faced with the same decision about Avastin as your daughter. The discussions are honest and truthful and the women speak openly about treatments that work and the treatments they regret agreeing to. The site is the “sisterhood of ovarian cancer survivors”. Please check this out as questions asked here are answered by many (and I mean a lot!) of women going through the same thing. I truly hope this helps in some way.
Again thank you contacting me. I hope to hear more from you about your daughter’s progress. Until then, I will hold your daughter and your entire family in my highest thoughts of love, healing and prayer.
I was in the same situation as Jessica and took Avastin with absolutely no problems from the drug itself, although it doesn’t extend lives very much. But I have more important news than that. I had a recurrence (after having had 18 mos. of chemo and Avastin) and, after 3 years of doing research, am now doing low-dose IPT with very few side effects for one month (instead of the recommended 6 mos.). It is a Godsend and just what she needs. You may call me at 559 443-9292 to talk about it and go online to Euro-med.us to see what this clinic is about here in Phoenix and what they do. Chris should learn about it too. This is life-saving information! Good luck to Jessica!
Hi Chris,
I got diagnosed on May 2013 with Stage 4 ovarian cancer. Has surgery and chemo. I was in remission for 7 months until they found one large brain met. Had it surgically removed, went back on chemo and 6 months later(now) they found 2 tiny brain mets. Had them radiated and then a pet scan showed one lymph node as suspicious so I am going back on chemo. Do you know of anyone else with brain mets. I know it is very uncommon. Read your book and it was very inspiring. So happy you are doing so well! I don’t know how I could be sick because I feel so good.
Hi Jane,
It’s very difficult hearing how much you’ve gone through in such a short time. You are one very strong woman. You are the first person I’ve talked with who has had this type of recurrence. I am thinking that you might have a better chance of meeting another woman in a similar situation as yourself if you join a private group online. The group I am thinking of is on Facebook and it’s called The Sisterhood of Ovarian Cancer Survivors. If you go to their FB page and leave a short message about what you are going through with a request to join, they will approve you as a member and from there you can be part of this group. I love this group because there are hundreds of women from all over the world who are dealing with ovarian cancer, recurrences and similar challenges with the spread to other areas of the body. I wish I could be more helpful, but I’m thinking this group may be able to provide the kind of support you need right now. Please stay in touch and let me know if you learn any more on this. Until then, I will keep you in my highest thoughts of love, healing and prayer.
My mother sick she has ovarian cancer please help me please please…
I will email you so we can speak on a personal level.
Hello Chris
People such as yourself are a ray light offering rays to others, tremendous you’ve had time to reply to all those on here, I’m hoping you’ll have time to offer me some guidance?
My mother, 70 yo, fairly active but happy and healthy diagnosed in Sep 2015 with 3c ovarian. 4 chemos in ca125 fallen from 468, 315 now 194. Ascites all but gone, ct scan after 3 chemos shown primary source responding well to carbo/taxol but Mets on bowel lining platinum resistant. No surgery offered, avastin the plan after 6th chemo.
Turmeric, apricot kernels, masticating juicer, deep breathing, pma, lemon, ginger, exercise, fresh air all being used, with bloods showing mum is strong and healthier than when chemo started.
Sons, daughter in laws, grandchildren, partner, family all in pain (as with all sufferers, God bless) trying to find some practical hope. Could you comment?
Best wishes j.Taylor
Hi James,
It sounds like your mom is responding pretty well to the treatments, however this is a very difficult treatment for anyone… let alone a 70 year old woman. I know because I went through it myself. If you are interested in learning about many successful alternative treatments that can help her both DURING and after her conventional treatments, I do have a suggestion for you. I’ve recently watched and purchased a video series called “The Truth About Cancer”. I highly recommend this series. This series is loaded with simple and easy things that can be done to beat cancer. I was particularly impressed by the number of people on the video who were told there was nothing else that could be done for them and they should just go home or into hospice care, yet they are not only alive today, but thriving. Some had pancreatic, lung, ovarian and other deadly late stage cancers. I was surprised by how many things they recommend that I have been doing for years now. It only reaffirms for me that I have been on the right track when it comes to curing cancer. This series can be found easily online by searching “The Truth About Cancer”. I believe you will find many things you can implement right now to help you mom. Please stay in touch and let me know how your mom is doing. I look forward to hearing more from you. Until then, I am holding your mom and your family in my highest thoughts of love and healing.