Bio Identical Hormones

Hello Bloggers,

I’m wondering if any of you are using bio-identical hormones. Having survived late stage ovarian cancer as well as recurrence, I’ve always been fearful of taking hormones. I must admit, after reading several books by Suzanne Somers, I’m tempted to try. Any feedback would be great!

7 Comments on “Bio Identical Hormones

  1. Hi Chris,

    I’m also a stage 4 Ovarian Cancer survivor. When I was diagnosed I had massive pulmonary embolisms so couldn’t have surgery right away, so had 3 chemos prior surgery and 6 after. Throughout all this time I used a zapper and did the herbal parasite cleanse as per Dr Hulda clark. I’ve also followed the Dr Budwig protocol (loosely) for 10 years and attribute my good health to these two wonderful women.

    I continue to zap Monday to Friday. I’ve been in remission since finishing chemo treatment. Also since then I’ve been taking (and continue to take) .625 HRT (conjugated estrogens) – and am doing very well. My Ca 125 at diagnosis was 9,800. It is now a very nice “7”.

    Chris, I bought your book when it first came out and enjoyed reading it very much.
    Thanks for being an inspiration to me and many others.

    Sandy Lightfoot (dx 4/99: NED for 11 years).

  2. Sandy,
    Your story is wonderful! I’m so happy to hear all the positive things you’ve been doing to take charge of your health. I know more of us can beat this disease and you are living proof of that. I’m always grateful to hear from readers. I believe that survivors like us can provide inspiration and motivation to others facing this deadly disease. Thank you so much for taking the time to write.

  3. I’m 48 years old and was diagnosed with Stage IIIC Ovarian Cancer in the Summer of 2009. I’ve had a hysterectomy and 18 rounds of IP and IV Chemo. Being in Menopause was awful so I decided to do some research on hormone replacment. I’m happy to say that I’ve been on bio-identical hormones now for 6 months and feel fantastic. My oncologist can’t believe how well I look and the medical tests are showing no sign of a reoccurence. I am so glad I decided to take control of my own health.

  4. I’m excited to hear you are doing so wonderfully. You are such an inspiration! It took me a long time before I decided to get on bio identical hormones. I feel just great now. I wish I had done it years ago. There is so much negative talk about going on any type hormones after cancer, but after doing my own research, I decided to give bio identicals a try and boy am I glad I did! Most women are scared off by their doctors so they just suffer for years (like I did). I agree… taking control of our own health pays off in the most surprising ways.

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