Why You Shouldn’t Get A Flu Shot If You Have Ovarian Cancer (video)

Author, Speaker and late stage ovarian cancer survivor Chris Bledy shares her perspective on Flu shots and other vaccines when you have Ovarian Cancer. Author, Speaker and late stage ovarian cancer survivor Chris Bledy shares perspective on the importance of visualisation in beating ovarian cancer and reclaiming your life.

2 Comments on “Why You Shouldn’t Get A Flu Shot If You Have Ovarian Cancer (video)

  1. Here’s some additional flu vaccine ingredients to add to your list:
    ethylene glycol (antifreeze!),phenol (carbolic acid), Aluminum (known neurotoxin) octoxinol9 (vaginal spermicide), and nonoxynol (stops growth of STDs). What’s up with the last 2 ingredients?
    Quite a qualdren pot of ingredients wouldn’t you say? Solid research shows these substances have a wide variety of effects including: suppressing the immune system, triggering allergies, causing an inflammatory response that is paticularly risky for the brain and heart, and acute adverse reactions when administered. Enough data for me to say no thanks!

  2. Karen,
    Wow that’s some addition! It is so frightening what they are doing to us. It’s rather sad that the list grew with even more toxic junk. You my friend, are part of the awakening. Thank you for your contribution.

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