Looking Back

Looking Back

For me, 2009 began in deep gratitude, love and joy. I’d done a lot of work to get to this point, yet I wondered: Can this joy, love and deep gratitude be maintained or is it a cycle that will inevitably waver back and forth? How do I receive such treasures and allow them to become me? This ‘me’ feels good – I like it!

I wasn’t willing to stumble back again, so I made a commitment to myself – to my Higher Self. I would dedicate the entire year to Masterful Living. My small self with all its excuses and time constraints would simply have to step aside. That is how it began – 2009.

It’s certainly not the first time I’d done this type of work. Oh I’d cleaned my basement a few times. I finally cleaned it well enough to locate a dungeon door – my filthy dungeon, complete with prisoners and all. I never expected anything like that. What a journey! But that was before 2009 and before Masterful Living.

Masterful Living gave me the greatest gift to date, the gift of freedom.

The cell doors are open! I cannot force the prisoners to leave, but the doors are open and the pathways are lit. I know the shame, the blame, and the judgments are part of me and my fabric. Now, I know where they are… and what they are… and how they whisper in my mind’s ear…

I no longer need to nurture them with my affection or attention. I am free now. Free to receive life’s glory.

When try to think about the shame, blame and judgment game, I find… as Rev. Jennifer Hadley would say… “I’m just not interested in that anymore”.

There is no longer any reward – nor is there any value in giving my time and energy to thoughts of worthlessness, defeat, and criticism. Giving my attention to these negative energies (whether self directed or directed at others) only adds to ‘the collective’ thoughts of self-destruction.  Whether I want to or not… I do (and you do too) contribute to our collective consciousness. My intention is to contribute in ways that benefit all beings and all things.

That means leaving behind old familiar patterns by letting go and freeing that which no longer serves me. It’s rather melancholy… because familiar is always somehow comfortable, even if it is destructive. Yet, I will have it no other way! So now, I welcome the gift and accept it – embracing the glory of a Masterful Life, knowing I am worthy – we are all worthy. I love what Michael Jackson said and I remind myself often, “It’s an adventure”.  I love being on this glorious adventure with all of you. It is so authentic, loving, and spiritually satisfying. I feel intimately connected in heart and soul. It is blissful.

 I’ve experienced a year full of miracles. That year changed my life. It was one miracle after another. I could hardly believe it.

So I end my year much the same as I started it… in deep gratitude, love and joy. Only now, I have a community to share it with. How blessed can I be? I love you all. Thank you for the gifts. I treasure them all.

For more information on Materful Living go to www.jenniferhadley.com.  

Love and White Light,

Chris Bledy

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