Beating Ovarian Cancer: Is It Your Time Or Your Challenge (video)

Cancer survivors are such special people. I’ve never met an arrogant one. I believe all survivors, including myself, know just how lucky we really are.

Cancer treatments are truly humbling. Those of us, who have been through it, know all too well, that outcomes differ for each of us. It doesn’t matter if we have the same type of cancer, the same doctors or the same treatments, there’s no guarantee.

That in itself, changes one’s perspective.

One thing cancer patients learn pretty quickly is the importance of time. Not just any time, but this moment in time, right now.

This moment is the most important moment of your life. Right here, right now — because it’s the only moment. It’s all any of us have.

The past is gone. There isn’t anything you can do to change that.

The future is never here, it’s always ahead of us.

The only time we have is NOW.

None of us know when it’s our time to leave this earth. I could just have easily died in a car accident on the way to chemo as I could have from the cancer. That’s why NOW is so important.

It’s the only time that’s real. It’s the only time we can actually do something. Now is all there is!

  • Now is the time to heal.
  • Now is the time to appreciate your loved ones and others.
  • Now is the time to make a difference.
  • Now is the time to embrace your life, because now is when it’s happening.

 It doesn’t matter if you have one day left or 50 years left, this moment is the only time there is so make the most of it.

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