
  •  My book received the 2010 National Indie Excellence Finalist Award in the Women’s Issues Category
  • Received an award from the City of Los Angeles for my volunteer work
  • Media recognition for my book, “Beating Ovarian Cancer” including speaking engagements, radio, TV and magazine articles
  • Exceeded all of my physical conditioning goals including cardio, weight loss and dietary choices


  • Provided real support for real people in real need
  • Lived a peaceful year in 2010 filled with love, joy and play
  •  Family happiness, contentment, closeness and cooperation
  • I was open and willing to experience life as it is in the now
  • Had wonderful times with friends and family
  • Lived 2010 freely and in the present moment
  • I worked consistently throughout the year on my spiritual, mental and physical health


  • Lived the year in authenticity
  • Practiced non-judgment faithfully
  • I was able to express unconditional love (especially when others felt it wasn’t appropriate)
  • I continued to let go of attachments while remaining humble


  • There were several brave women I met who lost their lives to ovarian cancer in 2010. One of those women was Kay Snow Davis. Thank God I followed Rev. Jennifer’s insistent advice and made an appointment with this amazing woman. I was so lucky to have an “Astrological Soul Purpose Reading” done by her. That reading was so intense that it created a strong vibrational shift in me – a shift that spoke to my very soul; I’ve never been the same since. She seemed to know all about me and communicated with me on such a high spiritual level that I was awestruck. She explained how my soul’s purpose was directly connected with my advanced stage disease; enabling me to become a living demonstration of healing consciousness in my own community of 70 trillion cells. It was Kay who awakened the healing presence in me. It was Kay who connected me with my soul’s purpose. It broke my heart to learn she died of the very disease that enables me to fulfill my soul’s purpose. I guess we had a strong spiritual link there too. I’ve learned to listen closely to Rev. Jennifer and follow her advice whenever possible. I know what a tremendous loss this was for Rev. Jennifer as Kay was her dear friend. From what I’ve heard… Rev. Jennifer, Shan and Kay were like the three musketeers; always together – always on the path of growth, always walking in the light and always in service in service to others.
  • Another loss was the death of Vince Schaub who died of pancreatic cancer. He was placed to rest next to his wife (my precious friend Bonnie who also lost her life to ovarian cancer).


  • Not completing all the house upgrades
  • Not going to San Antonio to see my daughter and her family
  •  Not being as productive as I’d like to be
  • Not having enough faith in my ability to be a healing presence

Major lessons learned

  •  I learned that I could control my physical body to a greater extent than I ever dreamed possible.
  • I was able to take control of my hormone issues after 10 years of suffering (through bio identical hormone replacement)
  • I was able to lose the extra weight I’ve been carrying for many years now. I thought it was due to age, surgical menopause and other issues
  • I can now run 3-5 miles in my neighborhood, which I absolutely knew was impossible for me!
  • I was able to let go of the false beliefs about my age and physical limitations.
  • I’ve become stronger physically, mentally & spiritually
  • I don’t care about winning, including winning in games, arguments, or preferences. It’s quite freeing and allows more joy into one’s life!
  • I let go of all need to control or help fix situations (any situation). I am no longer a rescuer
  • I have stepped into a life of practice… I practice non-judgment, unconditional love, service to others, compassion, grace and humility
  • I feel free, peaceful, happy and loved

What do I want in 2011?

  •  I’d like to have a breakthrough in my ability to be a healing presence
  • I want to know with all my heart that I am the healing light and that is the gift I bring for the benefit of all
  • I want to anchor myself in powerful faith to enable me to achieve this goal of the deep desire of my heart
  • I want to release the fear that holds me back, that prevents me from believing in myself, that blocks me from receiving and transmitting my gifts

Tangible goals

  • Consciously practice masterful living throughout my daily life.
  • Develop a practice that creates a close relationship with Ascended Masters who specialize in healing
  • Learn how to dissolve false beliefs in myself

Let’s make 2011 the year each and every one of us lives in the light of all that is glorious!

2011 Intentions

My main intention is to be a healing presence. My desire is to receive & transmit authentic healing, unconditional love, non-judgment, grace & compassion. To serve, forgive and be the light.

Just wanted to give a quick update on my experience with bio-identical hormones. I recently had my hormone levels checked to see how my body is responding.

I learned that my testerone levels were too high (which may be why I was noticing more hair in my hairbrush than normal). So, we went to a lower dose and I immediatly noticed a stop in the hair loss. I was never losing enough hair to be concerned, but it’s nice to know it wasn’t simply aging creeping up on me!

My progesterone levels were still too low, so that was increased. This should help me sleep better. Only a couple weeks after this adjustment I have indeed already noticed it. I’m sleeping throughout the night now and the quality of rest is fabulous.

My estrogen levels were right on target so no change there.

Overall, I’ve noticed lots of benefits to being on bio-identical hormones. I have lost weight which seemed impossible before the hormones. It’s true I’ve been exercising and watching my balance of foods, but it just seemed to come off  much easier now that my hormones are back. I rarely have hot flashes – a big relief to say the least! As I mentioned earlier, I’m sleeping better, feeling more alert and mentally balanced. My energy levels are wonderful. Overall I’m really happy that I went ahead and gave bio-identicals a try. I’ll let you know how my next blood test goes and if there are any changes. Until then, you may want to condsider giving bio-identicals a try!

Hi Bloggers!
I just received an email from a woman asking if anyone out there knows anything about ascites. She was diagnosed with borderline ovarian cancer in March and was told she didn’t need chemo. Eight weeks later she developed ascites and they drained four liters of fluid from her abdomen. Now she is on chemo and while they have found abnormal cells in the fluid, they are not cancer cells. What do you think? Any of you have any insights for this beautiful person?

Although it’s been 10 years since my initial ovarian cancer diagnosis (and hysterectomy) as well as  7 years since my last recurrence, I was still experiencing menopausal symptoms. I was very nervous about taking any type of hormones because of cancer and how much we all hear that we should avoid them. After doing lots of research, I decided it was time to give them a try. The only choice for me is bio-identicals. When one researches the difference between drug hormones and bio-identical hormones, the choice seems obvious.

I started using bio-identica hormones on 4/8/10. I am using the topical creams only- Estradiol, Progesterone and Testosterone. We started very conservatively. My dose of Estradiol has increased twice and my dose of testosterone increased once. This seems to be working beautifully for now.

The main benefit has been in the quality of my sleep. I sleep deeply and almost always all night. I no longer wake up 6 or 7  times a night in a sweat, throwing covers off then on again. It’s so wonderful to sleep all night. I forgot what it was like to feel rested and refreshed.

I also, have more energy. Perhaps it’s from a good night’s rest  or it could be that I had no testosterone before taking the hormones. I understand testosterone can really effect energy levels as well as sexual desire. And yes, my libido has improved significantly, along with the vaginal dryness I used to have. So all in all, I’m feeling much better now. I will let you know how the next three months go. Until then… love to all of you.

Want to learn more about your risk for ovarian cancer? I met Joseph Casey last week at the Ovarian Cancer National Alliance Conference. He lost his mother to ovarian cancer. As a result, his family created this wonderful short video. Please take a few minutes to watch it. It is informative and touching.

Looking Back

For me, 2009 began in deep gratitude, love and joy. I’d done a lot of work to get to this point, yet I wondered: Can this joy, love and deep gratitude be maintained or is it a cycle that will inevitably waver back and forth? How do I receive such treasures and allow them to become me? This ‘me’ feels good – I like it!

I wasn’t willing to stumble back again, so I made a commitment to myself – to my Higher Self. I would dedicate the entire year to Masterful Living. My small self with all its excuses and time constraints would simply have to step aside. That is how it began – 2009.

It’s certainly not the first time I’d done this type of work. Oh I’d cleaned my basement a few times. I finally cleaned it well enough to locate a dungeon door – my filthy dungeon, complete with prisoners and all. I never expected anything like that. What a journey! But that was before 2009 and before Masterful Living.

Masterful Living gave me the greatest gift to date, the gift of freedom.

The cell doors are open! I cannot force the prisoners to leave, but the doors are open and the pathways are lit. I know the shame, the blame, and the judgments are part of me and my fabric. Now, I know where they are… and what they are… and how they whisper in my mind’s ear…

I no longer need to nurture them with my affection or attention. I am free now. Free to receive life’s glory.

When try to think about the shame, blame and judgment game, I find… as Rev. Jennifer Hadley would say… “I’m just not interested in that anymore”.

There is no longer any reward – nor is there any value in giving my time and energy to thoughts of worthlessness, defeat, and criticism. Giving my attention to these negative energies (whether self directed or directed at others) only adds to ‘the collective’ thoughts of self-destruction.  Whether I want to or not… I do (and you do too) contribute to our collective consciousness. My intention is to contribute in ways that benefit all beings and all things.

That means leaving behind old familiar patterns by letting go and freeing that which no longer serves me. It’s rather melancholy… because familiar is always somehow comfortable, even if it is destructive. Yet, I will have it no other way! So now, I welcome the gift and accept it – embracing the glory of a Masterful Life, knowing I am worthy – we are all worthy. I love what Michael Jackson said and I remind myself often, “It’s an adventure”.  I love being on this glorious adventure with all of you. It is so authentic, loving, and spiritually satisfying. I feel intimately connected in heart and soul. It is blissful.

 I’ve experienced a year full of miracles. That year changed my life. It was one miracle after another. I could hardly believe it.

So I end my year much the same as I started it… in deep gratitude, love and joy. Only now, I have a community to share it with. How blessed can I be? I love you all. Thank you for the gifts. I treasure them all.

For more information on Materful Living go to  

Love and White Light,

Chris Bledy

Well Bloggers,

After meditating and asking for guidance from the ascended ones, I decided to consult with an expert on bio-identical hormones to see if I am a candidate. I had my bloodwork done and went in for the consultation. Wow, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, but in some ways I was. I basically had no progesterone and no testerone – some estrodial, which resulted in a little of the good estrogen. My doctor was surprised to see that I did have much more estrodail than she expected and she thought it was probably from the macca I take in the Amazon Herbs. Anyway, we talked for a couple hours and I will be starting my new hormone therapy as soon as the hormones arrive (hopefully by the end of the week. I’ll keep you posted about the results I experience. For now… love and white light to all.

Hello Bloggers,

I’m wondering if any of you are using bio-identical hormones. Having survived late stage ovarian cancer as well as recurrence, I’ve always been fearful of taking hormones. I must admit, after reading several books by Suzanne Somers, I’m tempted to try. Any feedback would be great!

Ener-Chi Art is based on one of the most ancient systems of healing and rejuvenation. A primary function of this art is to restore a balanced flow of life force energy, or “Chi,” throughout the body.

Ener-Chi Art consists of inspired artwork imbued with light-encoded energies. It involves a series of paintings; and each is “activated” with specific light rays. There is a painting for each organ and system of the body. For example, if you look at the painting that corresponds to the heart – even for only about a minute -profound changes occur in the life energy field corresponding to that organ. The flow of Chi becomes fully restored, and any thought forms or emotional imbalances that had been locked in the cellular structure of that organ are systematically transmuted and released.

A second series of paintings is designed to heal the Earth and its environment. Six paintings are in this category, with each related to a specific planetary issue. For example, one is meant to heal and awaken energies in the mountain and rock structures of the planet; another intended to have a similar effect on the rivers, lakes and seas.

There is one additional picture, “Beyond the Horizon.” It can be used with any problem, emotional difficulty, physical ailment, and mental or spiritual block.

Each work of Ener-Chi Art, except the one used for healing of the air, is an 8½” X 11″ inch photographic reproduction of the original painting. Only the highest quality commercial photographic processes are used in order to capture the full energetic of the original painting. Included with each picture is a set of instructions so that maximum benefit may be derived from the picture.

For more information on these paintings, please visit
For information on this art and other products, please visit

